2019 is the year Estereomance (think Estereo Romance) created by ex-Chamanas Manuel Calderon and Paulina Reza, along with Adria Del Valle came to life from the border town El Paso, TX and Juarez, Chihuahua. Estereomance is the liberated voice of all the feelings and recent events that need to burst and be heard.
Creating what can only be called West Texas Psychedelic Indie Pop or whatever you may care to call it, Estereomance in a relatively short amount of time has already created a musical stir- with the center of this being Calderon who is a prized Producer/Engineer out of the famed studio Sonic Ranch (Tornillo, TX) and his own Comanche Sound. Paulina has been in the spotlight as of recent being the featured singer in the popular EDM group Odesza. Adria is a critically acclaimed string player in both El Paso and Juarez.
The group’s first single from their self-titled EP (2020) is “Up” a 3 minute trip with a vibe which can only be described as off kilter cosmopolitan. “Up” comes out on Cosmica Records Sept 24. Not to be confused with many of those studio-only music projects- the band is eager to hit the road- already playing the buzz worthy showcase Chido Chevere Cool in the proving grounds of the Hi Hat in Los Angeles. On the 26th of September the band hits the I-10 and is on he road with The Holy Knives well into October.