The Midnight Hour is the acclaimed 10-piece ensemble lead by the pair behind the unforgettable score for the Netflix series Marvel’s Luke Cage–Ali Shaheed Muhammad (A Tribe Called Quest) and Adrian Younge. Today, they share the video for their latest single, “Harmony,” featuring vocals from frequent collaborator Loren Oden. Directed by Younge and filmed at his Linear Labs studio in Los Angeles’ Highland Park neighborhood, he notes “The video represents the spirit of The Midnight Hour: A visceral feeling of expression in those late night moments that is difficult to define, but impossible to deny.”
The Los Angeles-based ensemble has been on an extensive North American fall tour which wraps with a homecoming show at The Lodge Room on November 21. The shows on the tour feature a very special collaborative opening set featuring the group’s incredibly talented vocalists Loren Oden and Angela Muñoz, and guitarist Jack Waterson. For a taste of what to expect live, watch The Midnight Hour’s stunning 2018 NPR MusicTiny Desk Concert HERE. Tickets for all shows can be found here:
The Midnight Hour is Black Excellence: an ode to the cultural sophistication that the Harlem Renaissance established for its people. Performing with their jazz rhythm section and an orchestral section reminiscent of maestros such as David Axelrod and Quincy Jones, The Midnight Hour is sophisticated hip hop.